Sanctuary Options (Memberships)

Discover Your Pathway to Spiritual Awakening

Welcome to the Academy for Spiritual Awakening, where every journey through the vast landscapes of the spirit begins with a single, transformative step. Whether you are taking your first tentative steps towards spiritual understanding, seeking deeper connections with like-minded souls, or ready to transform your inner and outer worlds, our membership levels are designed to meet you wherever you are on your path.

Embarking on this journey with us means more than just access to unique spiritual content and events; it's about becoming part of a community that values deep connections, personal growth, and the exploration of diverse spiritual practices in a supportive and non-judgmental space. Here, every question is welcomed as a doorway to deeper understanding, and every individualā€™s experience is valued as a unique contribution to our collective journey.

Sanctuary for Searching

Free Membership
Subscribe to Our Email List

For those new to the path of spiritual exploration, our free membership offers an open door to start your journey. Engage with introductory resources that challenge conventional beliefs and invite you to contemplate the deeper questions of life and spirituality.

Free Membership

Features Included:

  • Books Intros (Mp3)
  • David's Life Story (PDF)
  • Meditations Samples
  • Access to basic courses and webinars.
  • You get samples of books
  • Emails notices of upcoming courses
  • Regular newsletters with inspiring content and practical tips for everyday spiritual living.

Sanctuary for Connecting


As you delve deeper into your spiritual journey, our Connecting membership provides tools and teachings to help you build meaningful relationships with like-minded seekers.

Get 15% Discount On Courses!

Features Included:

  • 3 Audio Books Full
  • David's Life Story
  • Meditations
  • All benefits of the Searching tier plus:
  • Access to exclusive group sessions and advanced spiritual workshops.
  • Participation in guided meditation sessions and group healing circles.
  • Discounts on selected courses and merchandise.

Sanctuary for Transforming


For those committed to profound personal and spiritual transformation, this tier offers comprehensive support and advanced teachings to facilitate your journey to awakening.

Get 50% Discount on Courses!

Features Included:

  • Weekly Zoom Sessions
  • All benefits of the Connecting tier plus:
  • One-on-one sessions with experienced spiritual guides.
  • Access to premium content including advanced courses and exclusive spiritual events.
  • Opportunities to contribute to the community as a mentor or facilitator.

Why Join Our Memberships?

Connect, Grow, and Transformā€”Our tailored membership tiers are crafted to support you at each stage of your spiritual development. From our complimentary Sanctuary for Searching to the immersive experiences of the Sanctuary for Connecting and the expansive opportunities of the Sanctuary for Transforming, you will find a suite of resources that grow with you:

Explore Foundations and Expand Horizons

Dive into our basic courses and webinars designed to challenge and expand your spiritual perspective, available even at our free entry level.

Engage with a Supportive Community

Join discussion forums and virtual meetups where you can connect with peers who are also on a quest for deeper spiritual meaning.

Deepen Your Practice

Benefit from exclusive workshops, guided meditations, and one-on-one sessions with experienced spiritual guides to deepen your practice and understanding.

Live Your Transformation

Access advanced teachings and opportunities to mentor others, helping you to live out your transformation and contribute to the awakening of others.

We invite you to join the Academy for Spiritual Awakening and embark on a path that honors your individual journey towards a deeper, more meaningful spiritual life. Each membership level offers unique opportunities to nurture your spirit, connect with a like-minded community, and transform your understanding of yourself and the world around you. Join us today, and letā€™s awaken together.